English Vocabulary Important and High Frequency English Words with Hindi Meaning Set - 17 | Download in PDF

A good command in English vocabulary is very important as English is mandatory for almost all UPSC, SSC, Banking and other competitive examinations. Here we are publishing most frequently asked and highly used English words to help candidates preparing for competitive exams easily crack English section.

English Vocabulary Important and High Frequency English Words with Hindi Meaning Set - 17

English Vocabulary High Frequency Word List Set -17

1. Descend:

Meaning: Fall downward, to slope downward, make sudden attack, उतरना, नीचे आना, गिरना

Example: Suddenly the aircraft began to descend.

2. Desert (v.):

Meaning: To leave, abandon, go away from, त्यागना, छोड़ देना

Example: She deserted her husband and two daughters and fled with a foreigner.

3. Desiccate:

Meaning: Dry, lacking passion or interest, सुखाना, रूचि कम होना

Example: Carry desiccated food on your trip.

4. Despise:

Meaning: Feel contempt, hate, घृणा करना, तुच्छ समझना

Example: He despised himself for being selfish.

5. Desultory:

Meaning: Irregular, lacking a plan, without system, अनियमित, व्यवस्था हीन

Example: Few drunk men were dancing in desultory fashion.

6. Deterrent:

Meaning: Discouraging, हतोत्साहित करने वाला

Example: People have started using public transportation over personal due to deterrent effect of high petrol prices.

7. Detest:

Meaning: To dislike, to abhor, अति घृणा करना

Example:  She detests politicians.

8. Diehard:

Meaning: One who resists to the end, कट्टर

Example: He was diehard fan of Sachin.

9. Diffidence:

Meaning: Self distrust, shyness, reserve, संशय, अविश्वास, लज्जा

Example: As i was not present there i wold say it with some diffidence.

10. Diffuse:

Meaning: Spread out, disseminate, फैलाना, बिखेरना, प्रसारण करना

Example: An atmosphere of distrust has diffused his administration.

To memorize these vocabulary words try to make at least five sentences of each word yourself and you can comment it below in comment section.

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