General Knowledge GK Sample Practice Test Paper- 3 MCQs Multiple Choice Question with Answer key

General Knowledge GK Sample Practice Test - 3
Below we have published 10 General Knowledge questions with answer key and solution. We have tried to publish only most important GK questions helpful for students preparing for IAS, IES, CDS, NDA, UPSC exams, State PSC Public Service Commission Exams and other competitive examinations.

General Knowledge GK MCQs Model Test Paper - 3

Q.1. During the Indian Freedom Struggle, the Simon Commission was appointed to
A) Examine the working of reforms of 1919
B) Determine the relations of the British Government with the India States
C) Review the provisions of the Rowlat Act
D) Explore the possibility of granting dominion status of India
E) None of above

Q.2. Lake Sambhar is nearest to which one of the following cities of Rajasthan?
A) Bharatpur
B) Jaipur
C) Jodhpur
D) Udaipur
E) None of above

Q.3. The largest number of Buddhist are found in
A) Bihar
B) Karnataka
C) Maaharashtra
D) Utter Pradesh
E) None of above

Q.4. The President of India is elected by proportional representative system by a single transferable vote. This implies that
A) Elected MPs and MLAs of states have different number of votes
B) All MPs and MLAs of states have one vote each
C) All MPs and MLAs of states have equal number of votes
D) MPs of the Lok Sabha have equal number of votes
E) None of above.

Q.5. In India, the first Municipal Corporation was set up in which one among the following
A) Kolkata
B) Chennai
C) Mumbai
D) Delhi
E) None of above

Q.6. Which one of the following is the main constituent of bio gas?
A) Methane and carbon dioxide
B) Methane and carbon monoxide
C) Hydrogen and carbon dioxide
D) Butane and carbon dioxide
E) None of above

Q.7. First non- citizen to receive Bharat Ratna was
A) Nelson Mandela
B) Abraham Lincon
C) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
D) Mother Teresa
E) None of above

Q.8. S Raman is famous for which one of the following games / sport?
A) Chess
B) Golf
C) Table Tennis
D) Billiards
E) None of above

Q.9. What is the animal symbol of World Wildlife Fund (WWF)?
A) Dolphin
B) Kangaroo
C) Tiger
D) Giant Panda
E) None of above

Q.10. The slogan 'Gribi Hatao' was included in which plan?
A) Fifth
B) First
C) Fourth
D) Ninth
E) None of above

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