General Knowledge GK Sample Practice Test Paper - 4 MCQs Multiple Choice Question with Answer key

General Knowledge GK Sample Practice Test
Below we have published 10 General Knowledge questions with answer key and solution. We have tried to publish only most important GK questions helpful for students preparing for IAS, IES, CDS, NDA, UPSC exams, State PSC Public Service Commission Exams and other competitive examinations.

General Knowledge GK MCQs Model Test Paper - 4

Q.1. Which one of the following tribes is NOT related to India?
A) Apatani
B) Jarawa
C) Masai
D) Santhal
E) None of above

Q.2. Why did Dutch East India Company fail to maintain its influence in India?
A) Portuguese did not allow them to trade in India
B) There was a growing interference of Dutch Government in the company's internal affair
C) Dutch indulged in forcible religious conversion of the people and thus were expelled by local kings.
D) The English forces made them to leave India
E) None of above

Q.3. Which one of the following Vedic God/ Goddess depicts an association with the Sun?
A) Ashwin
B) Pusan
C) Indira
D) Aranyani
E) None of above

Q.4. Which one of the following African countries in not land locked?
A) Benin
B) Chad
C) Lesotho
D) Mali
E) None of above.

Q.5. Which State has the largest coastline?
A) Andhra Pradesh
B) Karnataka
C) Kerala
D) Tamil Nadu
E) None of above

Q.6. The Indian Research Station Himadri is located at
A) Siachin
B) Darjeeling
C) Arctic Region
D) Antarctica
E) None of above

Q.7. Central Seed Testing and Referral Laboratory (CSTRL) is located in
A) Bhopal
B) Varanasi
C) Dehradun
D) Lucknow
E) None of above

Q.8. Mirage is a phenomenon due to
A) Reflection of light
B) Refraction of light
C) Total internal reflection of light
D) Total diffraction of light
E) None of above

Q.9. Cryogenic Engine is used in
A) Boeing aircraft
B) High speed rail engines
C) Space shuttle
D) Nuclear testing
E) None of above

Q.10. Ashokan inscriptions were first deciphered by?
A) James Prinsep
B) Buhler
C) Robert Sewell
D) Codrington
E) None of above

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