AIPMT 2015 Biology Model Test Paper- 16 Practice MCQs Multiple Choice Questions Fully Solved with Answer Key Free

AIPMT All India Pre Medical Test is conducted by CBSE in compliance with the directives of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India for admissions to 15% seats of Medical/ Dental colleges of India. Some other State Govt university or  institutions also use AIPMT merit list for admission in the Medical Colleges/Dental Colleges against seats under their control. Here we have published model test paper for Biology for practice purpose with objective type MCQs multiple choice questions based on AIPMT previous years question papers.

AIPMT 2015 Biology Model Test Paper - 16

Q.1. Production of a human protein in bacteria by genetic engineering is possible because :
A) Bacterial cell can carry out the RNA splicing reactions
B) The hutnan chromosome can replicate in bacterial cell
C) The mechanism of gene regulation is identical in humans and bacteria
D) The genetic code is universal

Q.2. From the following statements select the wrong one :
A) Millepedes have two pairs of appendages in each segment of the body
B) Prawn has two pairs of antennae
C) Animals belonging to phylum-Porifera are exclusively marine
D) Nematocysts are characteristic of the phylum - Cnidaria

Q.3. Conifers differ from grasses in the :
A) production of seeds from ovules
B) lack of xylem tracheids
C) absence of pollen tubes
D) formation of endosperm before fertilization

Q.4. How many different kinds of gametes will be produced by a plant having the genotype AABbCC ?
A) Three
B) Four
C) Nine
D) Two

Q.5. Which one of the following is a matching pair of a body feature and the animal possessing it?
A) Ventral heart- Scorpion
B) Post-anal tail- Octopus
C) Ventral Central nervous system– Leech
D) Pharyngeal gill slits absent in embryo– Chamaeleon

Q.6. What is common between parrot, platypus and kangaroo?
A) Ovoparity
B) Homoiothermy
C) Toothless jaws
D) Functional post -anal tail

Q.7. The chemiosmotic coupling hypothesis of oxidative phosphorylation proposes that adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed because
A) There is a change in the permeability of the inner mitochondiral membrane toward adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
B) High energy bonds are formed in mitochondrial proteins
C) ADP is pumped out of the matrix into the intermembrane space
D) A proton gradient forms across the inner membrane

Q.8. Dry indehiscent single-seeded fruit formed bicarpellary syncarpous inferior ovary is
A) Cremocarp
B) Caryopsis
C) Cypsela
D) Berry

Q.9. A young infant may be feeding entirely on mother’s milk which is white in colour but the stools which the infant passes out is quite yellowish. What is this yellow colour due to ?
A) Bile pigments passed through bile juice
B) Undigested milk protein casein
C) Pancreatic juice poured into duodenum
D) Intestinal juice

Q.10. Which one of the following has maximum genetic diversity in India?
A) Mango
B) Wheat
C) Tea
D) Teak

Q.11. Select the correct statement from the following:
A) Biogas is produced by the activity of aerobic bacteria on animal waste
B) Methanobacterium is an aerobic bacterium found in rumen of cattle
C) Biogas, commonly called gobar gas, is pure methane
D) Activated sludge-sediment in settlement tanks of sewage treatment plant is a rich source of aerobic bacteria

Q.12. Study the four statements (a − d) given below and select the two correct ones out of them:
1. A lion eating a deer and a sparrow feeding on grain are ecologically similar in being consumers
2. Predator star fish Pisaster helps in maintaining species diversity of some invertebrates
3. Predators ultimately lead to the extinction of prey species.
4. Production of chemicals such as nicotine, strychnine by the plants are metabolic disorders
The two correct statements are:

A) (b) and (c)
B) (c) and (d)
C) (a) and (d)
D) (a) and (b)

Q.13. Wind pollination is common in
A) Orchids
B) Legumes
C) Lilies
D) Grasses

Q.14. In which one of the following pollination is autogamous?
A) Cleistogamy
B) Geitonogamy
C) Xenogamy
D) Chasmogamy

Q.15. Which one of the following pairs of hormones are the examples of those that can easily pass through the cell membrane of the target cell and bind to a receptor inside it (mostly in the nucleus)
A) Cortisol, testosterone
B) Insulin, glucagon
C) Thyroxin, Insulin
D) Somatostatin, oxytocin

Q.16. Closed vascular bundles lack
A) Pith
B) Ground tissue
C) Conjunctive tissue
D) Cambium

Q.17. Variation in gene frequencies within populations can occur by chance rather than by natural selection. This is referred to as :
A) Genetic flow
B) Genetic drift
C) Random mating
D) Genetic load

Q.18. If two persons with 'AB' blood group marry and have sufficiently large number of children, these children could be classified as 'A' blood group : 'AB' blood group : 'B' blood group in 1 : 2 : 1 ratio. Modern technique of protein electrophoresis reveals presence of both 'A' and 'B' type proteins in 'AB' blood group individuals.
This is an example of :

A) Codominance
B) Incomplete dominance
C) Partial dominance
D) Complete dominance

Q.19. Select the Taxon mentioned that represents both marine and fresh water species
A) Cephalochordata
B) Cnidaria
C) Echinoderms
D) Ctenophora

Q.20. Five kingdom system of classification suggested by R.H. Whittaker is not based on
A) Mode of nutrition
B) Complexity of body organisation
C) Presence or absence of a well defined nucleus
D) Mode of reproduction

Answer Key: 

Q.11- D Q.12- D Q.13- D Q.14- A Q.15- A

We have tried our best to present important questions with correct answer key. Any suggestion or update about any erroneous entry or answer is always appreciable. Please comment your score or any suggestion in comment section below.

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