General Knowledge GK Sample Practice Test Paper - 18 MCQs Multiple Choice Question with Answer Key

Below we have published 10 General Knowledge questions with answer key and solution. We have tried to publish only most important GK questions helpful for students preparing for IAS, IES, CDS, NDA, UPSC exams, State PSC Public Service Commission Exams and other competitive examinations.

General Knowledge GK Sample Practice Test Paper - 18

General Knowledge GK MCQs Model Test Paper -18

Q.1. The book ' India Wins Freedom' is the autobiography of

A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
B) Jawaharlal Nehru
C) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
D) Humayun Kabir
E) None of above

Q.2. In which of the following countries was Gadar Party established?

A) U. S. A
B) Germany
C) Spain
D) France
E) None of above

Q.3. Light year is a unit of

A) Intensity of light
B) Time
C) Distance
D) Velocity of light
E) None of above

Q.4. Chemical used to preserve food material is

A) Sodium chloride
B) Caustic soda
C) Sodium benzoate
D) Sulphuric acid
E) None of above.

Q.5. Which of the following is the highest peak in South India?

A) Anai Mudi
B) Doda beta
C) Mahendragiri
D) Dhupgarh
E) None of above

Q.6. On which of the banks of the following river is the famous temple of Badrinath situated?

A) Alaknanda
B) Bhagirathi
C) Mandakini
D) Ganga
E) None of above

Q.7. Sodium metal is stored by keeping it immersed in

A) Kerosene
B) Air
C) Water
D) Ammonia
E) None of above

Q.8. Which of the following countries is the largest producer of iron ore in the world?

A) China
B) India
C) Brazil
D) France
E) None of above

Q.9. The amendment of Constitution can be initiated in

A) The Lok Sabha only
B) The Rajya Sabha only
C) The Legislative Assemblies of States only
D) Either house of the parliament
E) None of above

Q.10. The maximum quantity of the element present in human body is

A) Iron
B) Sodium
C) Phosphorous
D) Calcium
E) None of above

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