English Synonym MCQs Sample Test Paper- 8 Word Similar in Meaning MCQ type Questions with Answer

Here is MCQs Multiple Choice Questions of English Synonyms or words similar in meaning with Answers. Synonym questions are very important for almost all competitive examinations as English is must in most of the exams and there are always 2 to 5 questions on Synonym or word with same or similar meaning. If you have practiced hard synonym questions you can answer these type of questions easily and save lot of time for other questions of English and other sections of exam. Below we have published 20 important synonym or word similar in meaning questions with answer in MCQ format.

Synonym MCQs Model Test Paper - 8

Q.1. Choose the correct synonym for the word Gratify
A) Frank
B) Appreciate
C) Pacify
D) Indulge

Q.2. Choose the correct synonym for the word Penchant
A) Like
B) Eagerness
C) Disability
D) Dislike

Q.3. Choose the correct synonym for the word Barter
A) Deal
B) Return
C) Lend
D) Exchange

Q.4. Choose the correct synonym for the word Unconscionable
A) Distasteful
B) Unmanageable
C) Excessive
D) Unmindful

Q.5. Choose the correct synonym for the word Terminate
A) Suspend
B) Dismiss
C) End
D) Interrupt

Q.6. Choose the correct synonym for the word Dank
A) Dangerous
B) Ugly
C) Plunder
D) Damp

Q.7. Choose the correct synonym for the word Bounty
A) Donation
B) Gift
C) Pleasure
D) Reward

Q.8. Choose the correct synonym for the word Divvy
A) Selfless
B) Foolish
C) Follower
D) Pioneer

Q.9. Choose the correct synonym for the word Object
A) Disobey
B) Challenge
C) Deny
D) Disapprove

Q.10. Choose the correct synonym for the word Range
A) Level
B) Expanse
C) Grade
D) Standing

Q.11. Choose the word similar in the meaning to Bash
A) Strike
B) Neglect
C) Ignore
D) Embrace

Q.12. Choose the word similar in the meaning to Haggle
A) Postpone
B) Accept
C) Bargain
D) Reject

Q.13. Choose the word similar in the meaning to Abstruse
A) Awful
B) Irrelevant
C) Shallow
D) Profound

Q.14. Choose the word similar in the meaning to Yob
A) Annoyed
B) Intelligent
C) Humble
D) Aggressive

Q.15. Choose the word similar in the meaning to Apogee
A) Climax
B) Beginning
C) Middle
D) Bottom

Q.16. Choose the word similar in the meaning to Morose
A) Gloomy
B) Diseased
C) Calm
D) Disappointed

Q.17. Choose the word similar in the meaning to Adversity
A) Crisis
B) Misfortune
C) Failure
D) Helplessness

Q.18. Choose the word similar in the meaning to Candid
A) Rude
B) Impertinent
C) Blunt
D) Frank

Q.19. Choose the word similar in the meaning to Ephemeral
A) Unreal
B) Mythical
C) Short-living
D) Artificial

Q.20. Choose the word similar in the meaning to Stubborn
A) Easy
B) Obstinate
C) Willing
D) Pliable

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